The weather in Valle Aurina: perfect holidays in South Tyrol
Sunny, idyllic landscapes all-year round
What will the weather in Valle Aurinabe like in the next few days? Our weather forecast will tell. One thing is for sure: the weather in Valle Aurina and South Tyrol is always perfect, you just have to plan the right activity! During the sunny summer season, you can enjoy an active holiday in South Tyrol hiking, biking, climbing etc., while rainy days provide a great excuse to explore the many local attractions or spend some time shopping in the towns of South Tyrol. There’s plenty of opportunities to stay fit and have a great time in winter, too – from Alpine and cross-country skiing to snowshoeing. If you look forward to a holiday of pure pleasure, South Tyrol is the place to be!
Luxury SPA Resort Schwarzenstein Luttach - AhrntalAhrntal - View towards Sand in Taufers

Ahrntal Valley - your holiday

Speikboden Ahrntal Valley

Klausberg - mountain station - Familypark in summer and Ski Resort in winter

Kasern - the most beautiful end of a valley in South Tyrol with a pilgrimage church

Skiing Area Klausberg - Acqua World

Take a look at the webcam of our hotel in Valle Aurina – South Tyrol and get ready for an active, regenerating and pampering holiday at Alpine Luxury Spa Resort Schwarzenstein!